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Current Projects


​​Chinese Cosmopolitan Philosophies and Theologies of Catholicity. What can Western churches learn from the Chinese cosmopolitan philosophy of tianxia? This book chapter brings this in conversation with Pope Francis's Fratelli Tutti and the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith's recent document on synodality.


History of Chinese American Presbyterianism in New York City.  The project is a substantial revision of a completed paper on the broad contours of the subject.  It may end up becoming multiple papers on the subject.  One avenue would be to analyze the importance of Princeton Theology in the formation and development of the ministry of the First Chinese Presbyterian Church in NYC. 


The Ecclesiology of Ignacio Ellacuría and Lumen Gentium.  Endeavors to read Ellacuría's liberation theology from the lens of Johann Baptist Metz's political theology, and to use that "inter-reading" to shed light into Lumen Gentium.



Broad Interests


Theologies of the Church (Ecclesiology)


Historical and systematic theology in/from non-western contexts


Theologies of Forgiveness


Business Ethics and Ethical Traditions


Theology and Ethics of Economics


Reformed Theology


Migration Theologies


Political Theologies

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